This is the satirical blog of Sister Mary of Wallasey and all entries are written in Mary's personal capacity.
It is in no way designed to represent the official (or unofficial) viewpoint of any political party or candidate, and is not within their control. A fellow sister in the Tory Party inspired Mary to bring this blog to life. You know who you are! Enjoy!

Saturday 20 March 2010

Wallasey Tories & Cashcroft

Unlike her neighbours in Wirral West, Princess Leah has not, so far, accepted any big money donations from Lord Cashcroft to pay for her election campaign. So I say good on her for having the sense to not get involved in any shady deals with the Tory tax exile. Running an election campaign can be expensive business. I've seen glossy leaflets, flyer's, magazines and expensive mailings from the Princess - it seems she is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Wallasey! But as she's not taking Cashcroft money how is it all being funded? I do hope it is from an honest source...


  1. Hi Sister Mary. Does the word honest and the Tories fit on the same page? How does Ashcroft get his money? You can bet it is on the back of thousands of underpaid workers across his empire. But then William Hague would know as he seems to be Ashcrofts travel companion!!1

  2. One word .... UNITE

  3. Surely Princess is funding it all herself?
    She can afford designer handbags so I’m sure she can afford to pay for leaflets or does she have a secret donor?

  4. Hubby is paying for it all!

  5. And what about Labour ex-ministers? how do they fund themselves?

  6. If you look at the website of the Electoral Commission, it records all donations over the last seven or eight years. As far as I can see the Tories in West Wirral do not seem to have received a penny from Ashcroft in that period nor from Bearwood Corporate Services Ltd (his company). Now you seem to have done a similar exercise the Conservatives in Wallasey-aren't their audited accounts on line? My suspicion from the last time I looked some time ago was that they've had a very healthy balance sheet for some time and it may be from the sale of their old property on Rake Lane some ten years

    Coming to think of it, neither do they have an MP who no doubt uses their Communications Allowance to their advantage nor are they sponsored by a rather nasty and corrupt trade union

  7. Oh dear.I wonder who wrote that one Sister Mary. But then it was Leah Fraser that has had her photograph taken in front of Union activists time and time again. She has always tried to claim she was on their side- funny how things change!!!Now they are nasty and corrupt. Well I hope that comment doesn't reach the ears of the unions.

  8. Just heard that the Tories are being bankrolled by a debt collector!!!!
