This is the satirical blog of Sister Mary of Wallasey and all entries are written in Mary's personal capacity.
It is in no way designed to represent the official (or unofficial) viewpoint of any political party or candidate, and is not within their control. A fellow sister in the Tory Party inspired Mary to bring this blog to life. You know who you are! Enjoy!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Sister Lewis's 'William Hague moment'

We all remember former Tory leader William Hague sporting a baseball cap in a desperate bid to project a more youthful image. The stunt saw him pilloried in the press with one Daily Mail commentator suggesting he "looked like a child-molester on a day release scheme". Well, I thought the Tories had learned until this picture was sent to me from a member of my congregation. Here we have Sister Lewis of Leasowe taking fashion tips from his old boss - sporting his very own cap and shades! What does he look like?!!


  1. Does he wear this get up in the European Parliament?

  2. Lewis is a saddo! Embarrassing!

  3. Sister Mary. Why is he wearing his cap on backwards? Is this a fashion statement. I do like his glasses though. Very stylish!!!!

  4. Talking about apparel and the Tories have you seen Denis Knowles latest costume- Bugs Bunny. Come on Denis- it isn't funny. You look absolutely ridiculous in a costume clearly made for someone younger and smaller than your self. walt Disney should sue you for bringing their character into disrepute!!!

  5. Is that Sister Lewis's whimsical/coy, I am really a nice guy, come on look or what!!1

  6. Who is the good looking man in the background He is better looking than Sister Lewis by a long way-wow.

  7. Cllr Lewis is eye-candy. I wouldn't say no to a slice, Sister!

  8. Sister Mary ; the last poster woud do well to have an eye test.
    Sister Lewis appears to have a bad case of wind and has most likely just let rip a silent but deadly contribution to global warming; and is looking for someone to blame.Come to think of it just like David Cameron who is also full of wind.

  9. The last post has given me some food for thought. As the Tories are so full of wind and bluster can we presume that to reduce their nuimbers would enable the UK to meet their carbo reduction targets or whatever overnight. Them and cows together are lethal to the ozone layer and I am not talking about their cash cows- the hedge funds, Ashcroft and now Higgins

  10. Back to Denis. I have taken a copy of the photo of him in the Bugs Bunny costume and I am going to blow it up, send it to my daughter with a warning- about what I haven't yet decided. I will let you know!!!

  11. Hi Sister Mary. I sent the picture to my daughter- told her it was my latest pin up poster. She was suitably impressed and asked was Homer spoken for. I said I thought so- but couldn't be certain
