This is the satirical blog of Sister Mary of Wallasey and all entries are written in Mary's personal capacity.
It is in no way designed to represent the official (or unofficial) viewpoint of any political party or candidate, and is not within their control. A fellow sister in the Tory Party inspired Mary to bring this blog to life. You know who you are! Enjoy!

Monday 25 January 2010

Tally-no! Princess Leah's bid to gag Labour on fox hunting

I rejoiced the day Labour banned the barbaric bloodsport of foxhunting but it seems Wallasey Tories don’t share my enthusiasm. News reached me over the weekend that Princess Leah took legal action to try and gag her political opponents on this very issue.

It appears that the Tories don’t want foxhunting (once a favourite pastime of the Tory upper classes) to feature during the election campaign. No, a particular Labour activist received a warning from Princess Leah’s solicitors after a leaflet containing a story about the bloodsport was distributed in parts of the constituency.

Princess Leah was particularly upset that the leaflet contained the words “Tally-Ho” – the term used to urge hounds on during a fox hunt – and so instructed her legal representatives to act.

Princess Leah demanded:

An apology
An undertaking not to repeat the story
An undertaking to stop distributing any further material on this issue
Payment of legal costs

Obviously the Tories in Wallasey are very sensitive about fox hunting but there is no getting away from the fact that the Tories will try to repeal the ban if they win the next election.


  1. I think Leah would look loverly in jodpurs and a riding habit-carrying a whip to bring the Tory pack to heel.Wow -it makes your toes curl at the thought!!!

  2. There is one particular Tory that I know of who likes his whips for other reasons...

  3. Fraser must have money to burn if she can afford to pay solicitors to issue threats like this!

  4. Labour should carry on campaigning against the Toires plan to bring back fox hunting. Its a cruel 'sport' and bringing it back should not be on anyones agenda!

  5. I agree. Ram it home - remind people what Fraser's Tory Party stands for!

  6. So funny, I think I know which one you mean when it comes to a whip fetish!

  7. 80% of Labour peers failed to support the Government's Hunting Bill
    - so not just "the tory upper classes" hey?

    Tony Blair wanted "to take class out of British politics".
    so why are you guys making it such an issue? There are far more important issues that need to be addressed and probably matter more to the people of Wallasey.

    Interestingly, the inequality gap in Britain between those with the most wealth and those with the least is the widest it has been in the post-World War II era.

    The National Inequality Panel said Britain has one of the highest poverty rates in Western Europe.

    The Care Quality Commission recently reported that one in six care homes are providing substandard care for elderly people.

    I do not support the hunt of vulnerable foxes, BUT what about the vulnerable people that the Labour party have let down?

  8. Who was it who said the Fox Hunters, were the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable.

    The only blood sport that makes any sense is Donating it, but that of course needs a Thoughtful Human Being.

  9. Alex, my little Tory friend, Are you sure you don't belong to the fox hunting, Tory supporting upper class?

    Labour MPs overwhelming voted in favbour to ban fox hunting and 87% of the British public support the ban. Cameron on Co have said they want to repeal the ban so Labour SHOULD remind people of this everyday until the election!

  10. Dear Sister Mary,
    Many thanks for publishing my post - I suspected that your comments section would be dominated by you and your 'anonymous' friend(s).

    As I said in my post I do not support fox hunting. Nor do I support the "class warfare" that your trying to initiate (it didn't work in Crewe - it aint going to work at the next general election.)

    Just a few points of information;

    Baroness Mallalieu is a LABOUR peer and President of the Countryside alliance (a group that supports fox hunting).

    The first reading of the fox hunting ban was thrown out by the Lords -including a majority of Labour peers -see link to remind you;

    On a personal note; I am neither short in stature nor am I a member of the "upper class". I went to a normal state school, passed my 11 plus, went to university and am now a doctor working for the NHS.
    I meet vulnerable people who have been let down by Labour every day.
