This is the satirical blog of Sister Mary of Wallasey and all entries are written in Mary's personal capacity.
It is in no way designed to represent the official (or unofficial) viewpoint of any political party or candidate, and is not within their control. A fellow sister in the Tory Party inspired Mary to bring this blog to life. You know who you are! Enjoy!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Tory lookalike

Following on from my earlier post, I forgot to thank the Tory councillor who pointed out the striking resemblance between celebrity astrologer Russel Grant and Wallasey Councillor Paul Hayes. Hilarious!

Can you tell the difference?


  1. Apart from the hair colour which of the two is the funnier/wiser as I don't know either of the two men. My guess is the one on the right!

  2. The younger one is really cute- does he have prospects and can you arrange a meeting please Sister Mary?

  3. He is the spitting image of Russel Grant!

    Who does James Keeley look like?

  4. Cllr keeley does have an unfortunate resemblance to Kelly Osbourne

  5. James Keeley is living proof that the age of sartorial dressing is alive and well. Bring back Beau Brummel. Now there was a classic dandy!!!!

  6. Isn't James Keeley Russel Grant's partner in crime?

  7. Be fair on Paul folks. He wants to be a judge when he grows up one of my sources tells me.Another reliable source tells me Paul is very right wing in his views. Put the two together - a right wing judge- and we could have a re-incarnation of Judge Jefferies. now theres a thought

  8. What does LOL mean- in my day it meant the Loyal Orange Lodge? For God and Ulster and all that stuff!!
