This is the satirical blog of Sister Mary of Wallasey and all entries are written in Mary's personal capacity.
It is in no way designed to represent the official (or unofficial) viewpoint of any political party or candidate, and is not within their control. A fellow sister in the Tory Party inspired Mary to bring this blog to life. You know who you are! Enjoy!

Thursday 18 February 2010

Caught red handed!

'Forgive me father for I have stolen'...

Should be the first words uttered by Denis 'Homer Simpson' Knowles when he's next at confession after he was spotted stealing from the letterboxes of the people of Seacombe.

I'm told that earlier this week, Homer, (who pretends to be a good catholic boy at St. Joseph's)was busy reaching into letterboxes and stealing newsletters that had been delivered by his Labour opponents. Trouble is, Homer has been caught red handed and witnesses are now considering informing the authorities...

I'd have thought Homer of all people would have known stealing is illegal and is certainly wrong in the eyes of the Lord! What will everyone at the Joey's make of his behaviour?


  1. How petty and childish can anyone get. One can only conclude he and his new friends in the Wallasey Tories are threatened by the Labour material. Doesn't Denis Homer Knowles understand that the Tory mafia will use him, abuse him( behind his back) and drop him when he is of no further strategic use.

  2. Was Denis's conversion more Damascean than St Pauls? Or was it opportunistic?

  3. Maybe yes maybe no. But as far as I can see DK has never thrown a Nokia telephone at anyone or has ever been accused of bullying junior staff

  4. Wasn't it Naomi Campbell what threw her phone?
    But then how did DK get his two black eyes last year- someone should ask him?

  5. Maybe he tried it on with Princess Leah?
